Keith Mckittrick As An Exceptional Coach and Director
Keith Mckittrick Wordpress Blog Keith Mckittrick is a person worth looking up to by people who want to feel happiness and fulfilment in life. For Keith, hockey is what will make him happy and fulfilled. This sport serves as his daily motivation and inspiration. His passion for this sport started at his tender young age. His love for sports continues as he decided to take sports management course at University of Minnesota. The university serves as training ground to become an effective and more responsive coach, director, and a person in general. Being the director of hockey operations at Michigan State University, he was known for being one of those very responsible directors. He is the one who gives game presentation regarding video breakdowns as well as post-game individual player reviews and evaluations. He also help University staff in the recruitment process. Last but not the least, he manage team travel budget and operations. He has not only been the director of Hockey ...